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Build Our Rainbow Nation


The B.O.R.N. Initiative was created by Global Experts Industries, a business consultancy with decades of experience in advising local and globally operating companies and institutions. 


The specific goal of B.O.R.N is to transfer knowledge to the marginalized.


It consists essentially of three consultancy units. BusinessMovers, PartnerHome and Retailbuffs. With the knowledge obtained from Global Experts Industries through the B.O.R.N. initiative, one is ready to approach financial institutions with a sound business plan with which B.O.R.N will assist in drawing up. You would have the financial basics and management skills to successfully start your own company and make a resounding succes out of it.



Furthermore it stands on two pillars for start up companies and those in the growing phase after successful startup :


Kick start your business and Grow your business


Kick start Your Business is based on the Business Model Canvass methodology.


Training is interactive sessions and runs over 8 weeks – theoretical, practical, and feedback sessions and run concurrently with the Professional Egg Farming -and Hydroponic Agri-Courses.


The sad reality for budding entrepreneurs is that most often the SOHK (School Of Hard Knocks) e.g. the marketplace punishing you for mistakes is the only place to learn.


The BORN initiative aims to help our entrepreneurs avoid, deflect and minimize the blows from the SOHK.


1. Kick start your business Course Outline



Course preparation

Training examples

Current knowledge

Overview of business models

Customer development

Value proposition

Customer segments


Customer relationships

Revenue model


Resources, Activities and Costs



Grow Your Business is based on the Business Development methodology.


The business growing training is advisory and based on business demand to provide the right level of training for the right growth stage of the business.


Businesses often fail to grow beyond a subsistence level. Owners work for their business rather than the business working for the owner.


The BORN incentive aims to help business owners develop business autonomy and gain financial freedom.


Grow Your Business Course outline


1. Early (Baby) phase:

Basic management fundamentals

Strategic path of the business


2. Early growth (Toddler) phase:  

Funding business growth

Formal Financial Management

Formal Marketing Management

Cash-flow planning, monitoring and management


3. Growth spurt (Teen Phase):

Repeatable systems and processes

Business structuring

Early business autonomy


4. Branching out (Early Adult) phase:


Sustainable team growth


5. Mature (Adult) phase:

Leveraging lessons learned

Providing investor dividends

Management by proxy – building full business autonomy


6. Cash Cow Business (Retirement) phase

Selling the business

Business transformation and sector growth investment

Exit strategies and exit cash rewards

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